Guatemala 2023
We have a team going back to Guatemala to partner with WorldHelp in helping another village. We need to raise funds to install a new septic system for the village of El Chute. Give to this specific push by clicking the button below.
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On Mission to Massachusetts,
New England, and the World
At City United Church, we want people to be involved in Transformational Mission. Everyone desires to have a sense of purpose, and we believe that everyone has a spiritual gifting and a personal mission and purpose from God to serve the church and others. This Kingdom mission is what God has called us to do while we are on this earth. We gather to be on mission! We are called to pray for our families, church, community, and world, and we are called to invest in and invite people to “Come and See” Jesus, which will lead to “Go and Tell."
Faith Promise Offering Pledge
Faith Promise Giving Lifts Us to a New Level of Kingdom Giving
This commitment is a sacred act. It is a spiritual agreement between you and God that, with His help, you will give a certain amount to the church during the next 12 months to be used for missions for the evangelization of the lost. It is a reciprocal relationship that represents reliance upon God for divine provision.
Remember the example of the Macedonian believers …
“ … they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us by God’s will.” - II Corinthians 8:5
Remember the example of the Macedonian believers …
“ … they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us by God’s will.” - II Corinthians 8:5
Faith Promise represents
1. It’s a commitment to God.
2. It’s a commitment to the church.
3. It’s a commitment to the missionaries we support.
2. It’s a commitment to the church.
3. It’s a commitment to the missionaries we support.
When we commit to supporting a missionary on the field, they are relying on God to provide for them through us. We need to know how much income to expect for missions before making monthly commitments to our missionaries. Your Faith Promise commitments help us determine how much to budget for missionaries seeking monthly support.
Simply click the "Donate or Pledge" button below to go to our secure giving platform, login, and enter how much you are pledging to give over the next 12 months.
Then, simply begin giving that amount as often as you've pledged, and mark your gifts under "Missions." This way these gifts will be added to our Faith Promise totals.
Continue to tithe and give your regular offerings marked under "General," and then give your Faith Promise amount marked under "Missions."
Simply click the "Donate or Pledge" button below to go to our secure giving platform, login, and enter how much you are pledging to give over the next 12 months.
Then, simply begin giving that amount as often as you've pledged, and mark your gifts under "Missions." This way these gifts will be added to our Faith Promise totals.
Continue to tithe and give your regular offerings marked under "General," and then give your Faith Promise amount marked under "Missions."
Message on Faith
Promise Giving
Recent Message
on Missions
Give or Pledge Online Now

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is an organization that seeks to make disciples through engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same. City United Church partners with our local FCA missionary to accomplish this mission in our public schools.

Fitchburg Public Schools
City United Church is a faith-based partner to the Fitchburg Public Schools. Throughout the year, we work with them to provide much needed resources for their families in need. Examples of these resources are school supplies, backpacks, food to help stock their food pantry, and Thanksgiving Baskets.

North Star Family Services
City United Church is a faith-based partner to North Star Family Services which provides stable housing, comprehensive services, and advocacy for entire families experiencing homelessness who are in need of support. We assist with stocking their food pantry, providing hot meals for the families throughout the year, as well as financial support for operational expenses.

Vessel Skate Park
Our goal is to provide a free indoor skatepark and community space where we can share what is most important to us. We are the only indoor skatepark in Worcester County.


The Baptist Convention of New England (BCNE) is an organization that focuses on supporting pastors and churches in New England. Its goal is to multiply Christ-followers through its network of more than 360 local churches. Ministry in New England can be challenging, and the BCNE is committed to walking alongside churches, partnering, equipping and encouraging them to effectively advance God's Kingdom in New England.

The Christian Law Association (CLA) exists to preserve Christian liberty for our children and grandchildren. Since 1969, CLA has been providing free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians who are experiencing difficulty in practicing their religious faith because of governmental regulation, intrusion, or prohibition in one form or another. CLA assists those who are in some way facing legal difficulties for doing what the Bible commands. These cases involve Christians arrested for witnessing to others in public, public school students being told they do not have the right to read their Bibles at school, churches being excluded from communities, Christians being fired for sharing their faith at work, and thousands of other shocking assaults on our precious religious freedoms. CLA provides free legal services based in part on the generosity of God’s people.

Liberty Church Network
The LCN New England network is a part of supporting local pastors to find renewal in their pastoring. The local center in New England is the core strategy to rally pastors and churches in our region in order to support, encourage, and coach one another to make new disciples in their cities. A local center is a gathering of local pastors from all denominations and networks. They encourage, challenge, network, and coach pastors on how to become better disciple-making churches in their own context.

World Help
World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world. It’s a proven fact that people are more receptive to hearing the Gospel once their immediate physical needs are met. So, when you offer someone food, clean water, or access to medical care, you not only help save a life and give physical help for today … you also give eternal hope by introducing that person to the love of Jesus Christ. However you choose to get involved, your generosity will help change the world — one person at a time.

Outreach To Asia Nationals
OTAN exists to train and resource persecuted Asian pastors to reach their people. At OTAN, we believe that training nationals to reach nationals is the most effective method of bringing the Gospel to the "uttermost" parts of Asia. It is also the method modeled by the apostle Paul in the Book of Acts as he traveled from city to city and country to country training the nationals to do God's work.

BBFI Missions
The mission of the BBFI World Mission Service Center is to serve churches and their missionaries as they endeavor to fulfill the Great Commission. The BBFI Mission Office is the bridge between those who give and those who go. We serve over 4,000 U.S. churches and over 700 missionaries in 80 nations around the world. The Mission Office strives for professionalism and integrity through stewardship to God in all its dealings, particularly with His chosen servants, the missionaries and pastors we passionately serve. The Mission Office ensures missionaries are prepared educationally, trained practically throughout the internship process and equipped through pre-field training with ongoing support and services.

Missionaries to Dominican Republic
Wesley and Melina Lane were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship Missionaries in May 1987. Wesley is a 1982 graduate of the missions course of Baptist Bible College East, and Melina is a 1984 graduate of the elementary education and missions courses at BBCE. They served their internship at the Calvary Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland.
Wesley and Melina Lane were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship Missionaries in May 1987. Wesley is a 1982 graduate of the missions course of Baptist Bible College East, and Melina is a 1984 graduate of the elementary education and missions courses at BBCE. They served their internship at the Calvary Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland.

Missionaries to New Zealand
Erwin and Amy Santoso were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship missionaries to new Zealand in September 2004. Erwin graduated from the pastoral course at Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Missouri in 2000. Amy graduated from the office administration course at Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Waterton, Wisconsin, in 1998. They served their internship at Winter Haven Baptist Church, Winter Haven, Florida. Erwin was ordained in January 2002.
Erwin and Amy Santoso were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship missionaries to new Zealand in September 2004. Erwin graduated from the pastoral course at Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Missouri in 2000. Amy graduated from the office administration course at Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Waterton, Wisconsin, in 1998. They served their internship at Winter Haven Baptist Church, Winter Haven, Florida. Erwin was ordained in January 2002.

Missionaries to Spain
Bill and Theresé Williams were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship Missionaries to Spain in May 1986. Bill earned his BA degree in missions in 1984 and Theresé graduated from the missions course of Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Missouri that same year. They served their internship at the Central Baptist Church in Gainesville, Texas, where Bill was ordained.
Bill and Theresé Williams were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship Missionaries to Spain in May 1986. Bill earned his BA degree in missions in 1984 and Theresé graduated from the missions course of Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Missouri that same year. They served their internship at the Central Baptist Church in Gainesville, Texas, where Bill was ordained.

Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples
BMFP missionaries circle the globe bringing hope to forgotten ethnic groups, teenage runaways, alcoholics, prisoners, military personnel and society’s disadvantaged and overlooked.

Missionaries to Moldova
In the summer of 2002 we answered God’s call to be missionaries to Moldova and were sent out of Belmont Baptist Church in Conyers, GA. During our first term God helped us to learn the Moldavian (Romanian) language, rebuild a struggling church and work in a large evangelistic camp ministry. Currently, our primary work is focused on doing the work of an evangelist wherever we can and the establishing of a church in the city of Hincesti, Moldova in a largely unreached and unevangelized region of Moldova. We are also working to encourage and build up other Moldovan churches where God gives us an opportunity to minister.
In the summer of 2002 we answered God’s call to be missionaries to Moldova and were sent out of Belmont Baptist Church in Conyers, GA. During our first term God helped us to learn the Moldavian (Romanian) language, rebuild a struggling church and work in a large evangelistic camp ministry. Currently, our primary work is focused on doing the work of an evangelist wherever we can and the establishing of a church in the city of Hincesti, Moldova in a largely unreached and unevangelized region of Moldova. We are also working to encourage and build up other Moldovan churches where God gives us an opportunity to minister.

The Hope Foundation of Kenya
The Hope Foundation of Kenya is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization that was established in 2007 to provide food, education, basic health care, Biblical truth and the love of God to needy people who live in the Coast Region of Kenya, Africa. Meeting basic physical needs has the power to transform their lives in a drastic way.
Mission: To illuminate Christ's hope by demolishing the strong-holds of physical and spiritual poverty.
Vision: To bring hope by the touch of a helping hand and by continued support as the people affect their community and nation for Christ for generations to come.
Mission: To illuminate Christ's hope by demolishing the strong-holds of physical and spiritual poverty.
Vision: To bring hope by the touch of a helping hand and by continued support as the people affect their community and nation for Christ for generations to come.

Missionaries for Kenya
Bobby has extensive experience working in Kenya with the Hope Foundation and is familiar with customs and culture after living there for 11 years. He has been with the Hope Foundation of Kenya since its beginning and is proficient in each of the ministries and programs it runs and maintains. Bobby has a deep desire to help national pastors reach their full potential. He actively promotes Pastor Discipleship Training Seminars to give rural pastors the tools needed to be successful in ministry. In order to reach as many people as possible, Bobby instills in the national pastors the need for community projects and development. Bobby travels around the United States promoting the ministry and seeking church and corporate donors as well as individual child sponsors. He makes several trips to Kenya each year to continue growing and expanding the ministry. He is married to Lisa Bechtel and they have three boys, Ethan, Conner and Dylan.
Bobby has extensive experience working in Kenya with the Hope Foundation and is familiar with customs and culture after living there for 11 years. He has been with the Hope Foundation of Kenya since its beginning and is proficient in each of the ministries and programs it runs and maintains. Bobby has a deep desire to help national pastors reach their full potential. He actively promotes Pastor Discipleship Training Seminars to give rural pastors the tools needed to be successful in ministry. In order to reach as many people as possible, Bobby instills in the national pastors the need for community projects and development. Bobby travels around the United States promoting the ministry and seeking church and corporate donors as well as individual child sponsors. He makes several trips to Kenya each year to continue growing and expanding the ministry. He is married to Lisa Bechtel and they have three boys, Ethan, Conner and Dylan.

The Gideons International
The Gideons International is the result of a meeting between two men who wished to band commercial travelers together for evangelism. What began in 1908 as an Association of Christian businessmen placing Bibles in hotel rooms has evolved into an expanding mission to provide Scriptures to all people in nearly every facet of life. Today, we have taken more than 2 billion Scriptures in more than 95 languages to 200 countries, territories, and possessions across the globe. We exist as an advocate for the lost, to bring them the saving knowledge of the Word through not only placing and distributing Scriptures, but also through personal witnessing and by associating together for service. As a united force for the Gospel, we remain rooted in tradition, but we operate under the firm belief that anyone can be a valuable asset to this invaluable cause.

IBMGlobal exists to facilitate church planting movements by proclaiming the Gospel, teaching disciples, and training leaders for indigenous, reproducing churches.

Missionary to the Deaf in Zambia
The physical and social status of the Deaf world-wide have rendered them the largest unreached people group left to be reached with the Gospel. In order to strategically meet this need, I have joined the team at Central Africa Baptist University as the Director of Sign Language & Deaf Studies. Through our program, we provide training to men and women from across Africa who upon graduation go back to their home towns to minister to the Deaf from a Biblical World-View.
The physical and social status of the Deaf world-wide have rendered them the largest unreached people group left to be reached with the Gospel. In order to strategically meet this need, I have joined the team at Central Africa Baptist University as the Director of Sign Language & Deaf Studies. Through our program, we provide training to men and women from across Africa who upon graduation go back to their home towns to minister to the Deaf from a Biblical World-View.

Ethnos360, formerly known as New Tribes Mission, is an international, theologically evangelical Christian mission organization based in Sanford, Florida, United States. Ethnos360 has approximately 2,300 missionaries in more than 20 nations.

Harold + Christine Hull
Missionaries to Papua New Guinea
Harold and his family are called to reach the indigenous people of Papua New Guinea. They arrived there in the fall of 2023 to begin language school. Their goal is to see a group of people who have never heard about God and what He did for them come to know Him and grow in that relationship and new position in Christ.
Harold and his family are called to reach the indigenous people of Papua New Guinea. They arrived there in the fall of 2023 to begin language school. Their goal is to see a group of people who have never heard about God and what He did for them come to know Him and grow in that relationship and new position in Christ.

The Timothy Initiative
The Timothy Initiative exists to advance Christ’s Kingdom by multiplying disciples and disciple making churches around the world. In obedience to Jesus and through Kingdom partnerships, The Timothy Initiative’s vision is to see multiplying, disciple making churches in every place and people group.

Mauricio + Rachel Prunera
Church Planters in Normandy, France
In October 2016, God brought the Prunera family to Normandy and placed them in Saint-Lô. God has been guiding them to plant a biblical, loving, French-speaking church with open doors for everyone (French and foreigners) in this city. This process began through regular Bible studies in their home and the rental of a room in a hotel in the city center once a month. Gradually, God has been adding new people to the congregation.