The Joy of Having Courage: Lessons from Deborah

*This blog post was generated using from the talk that was preached for Old School Week 4

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the challenges in your life? Do you sometimes wonder where you can find the strength to face your fears and uncertainties? If so, you're not alone. Many of us struggle with finding the courage to tackle life's obstacles. But what if I told you that God gives us the courage to accomplish great things, just like He did for Deborah in the Old Testament?

In our recent sermon series, "Old School: Timeless Advice from Old Testament Figures," we explored the lives of several historical figures who teach us lasting values for living in the 21st century. Today, we're focusing on Deborah, a remarkable woman whose faith fueled her courage and led to an improbable victory for Israel. Let's dive into her story and discover how we can apply her lessons to our own lives.

God Chooses Leaders by His Standards, Not Ours

One of the most striking aspects of Deborah's story is that God chose her to lead Israel during a time when male leadership was the norm. This choice was both an act of grace and a challenge to societal expectations. Deborah's heart was the center of her faith and courage, and God saw that she was the right person for the job.
Key Point: God looks at the heart, not societal norms, when choosing leaders.

Deborah's Faith Fueled Her Courage

Deborah's faith in God was unwavering. She believed that when God spoke, it would happen. This belief gave her the courage to lead Israel into battle against overwhelming odds. Her faith was the foundation of her courage, allowing her to soar above the challenges she faced.
Key Point: Faith in God fuels courage to face life's challenges.

Deborah Encouraged Others with God's Truth

Deborah didn't just keep her faith to herself; she encouraged others with God's truth. When Barak hesitated to lead the army into battle, Deborah reminded him that God had already promised victory. Her encouragement helped Barak find the courage to move forward.
Key Point: Encouraging others with God's truth can help them find their own courage.

God's Prophecy and Judgment Are Fulfilled

In the end, God's prophecy was fulfilled. The army of the king of Canaan was completely defeated, and Sisera, the enemy general, was killed by a woman named Jael. This victory was a testament to God's faithfulness and the power of courage fueled by faith.
Key Point: God's promises are always fulfilled, often in unexpected ways.


So, what steps can you take to increase your courage? Here are a few practical actions:

  1. Strengthen Your Faith: Spend time in prayer and reading the Bible to deepen your relationship with God.
  2. Encourage Others: Share God's promises and truths with those around you to help them find their own courage.
  3. Trust God's Plan: Remember that God chooses leaders by His standards, not ours, and His promises are always fulfilled.

Question: What will you do this week to strengthen your faith and find the courage to face your challenges?


Dear God, thank You for the example of Deborah and her unwavering faith and courage. Help us to strengthen our own faith and trust in Your promises. Give us the courage to face our challenges and encourage others with Your truth. May we always remember that You choose leaders by Your standards and that Your promises are always fulfilled. In Jesus' name, Amen.

By following Deborah's example, you can find the courage to soar above life's challenges and accomplish great things for God's kingdom. Remember, God gives us the courage to face our fears and uncertainties, and His promises are always fulfilled. So, take that step of faith and trust in His plan for your life.

Check out the talk this blog post came from below

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