The Cost of Pride and Jealousy: Lessons from King Saul

*This blog post was generated using from the talk that was preached for Old School Week 2

You might wonder why the story of King Saul is relevant to your life today. How can a tale from thousands of years ago offer any insight into your modern-day struggles? The truth is, the story of Saul is a powerful reminder of the dangers of pride and jealousy, and how these emotions can lead to our downfall. If you’ve ever struggled with these feelings, you’re not alone. Saul’s journey from a promising start to a tragic end serves as a timeless lesson for all of us.

The Rise and Fall of King Saul

Saul’s story begins with promise. He was chosen to be the first king of Israel, a man who stood out for his impressive appearance and initial humility. He demonstrated obedience, respect, humility, courage, and a forgiving spirit. But as time went on, Saul’s pride and jealousy began to take root, leading him down a path of disobedience and ultimately, ruin.

The Dangers of Pride and Jealousy

Saul’s downfall began when he assumed responsibilities that God had not given him. Instead of waiting for the prophet Samuel to offer sacrifices, Saul took matters into his own hands. This act of disobedience was the first step in a series of poor decisions fueled by pride and jealousy. Saul’s jealousy of David, who was anointed to be the next king, consumed him. He became so focused on his own status and power that he lost sight of God’s plan.

God Values Obedience Over Sacrifice

One of the most striking moments in Saul’s story is when Samuel confronts him about his disobedience. Saul tries to justify his actions by claiming that he saved the best of the plunder to offer as a sacrifice to God. But Samuel’s response is clear: “To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22). This highlights a crucial point for us today: God values our obedience and humility more than any outward show of devotion.

Your Inward Enemy is More Dangerous Than the Outward Enemy

Saul’s real enemy wasn’t David or the Philistines; it was his own pride and jealousy. These internal struggles led him to make decisions that ultimately cost him everything. This is a powerful reminder that our greatest battles are often within ourselves. By allowing pride and jealousy to take root, we risk losing sight of God’s plan for our lives.

Take Action: Guard Your Heart

So, what steps can you take to guard against pride and jealousy in your own life? Here are a few practical actions:

  1. Self-Reflection: Regularly examine your heart and motives. Are you making decisions based on pride or jealousy?
  2. Seek Accountability: Surround yourself with trusted friends or mentors who can help you stay grounded and focused on God’s will.
  3. Stay Humble: Remember that your worth comes from God, not from your achievements or status.
  4. Focus on Obedience: Prioritize obedience to God’s commands over seeking approval or recognition from others.


The story of King Saul is a sobering reminder of the cost of pride and jealousy. It challenges us to examine our own hearts and take steps to ensure that we remain obedient and humble before God. What will you do this week to guard your heart against these destructive emotions? Remember, your inward enemy is more dangerous than any outward threat. Stay vigilant and keep your focus on God’s plan for your life.


Dear Jesus, we come to you today asking for your help in guarding our hearts against pride and jealousy. Help us to remain humble and obedient to your will. Show us the areas in our lives where we need to change and give us the strength to make those changes. Thank you for your love and guidance. In your precious name, we pray. Amen.
*This blog post was taken from week 2 of the collection "Old School" by Pastor Pencil Boone. Watch the message below.

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